This is a map that brings together the leading restaurants of Great Britain according to three leading inspector-led guides as at the release of the 2020 Guide editions. Each of the Guides outlined below
* The Waitrose Good Food Guide 2020 Top 50 are included and mapped. The number in brackets next to the GFG score is the restaurant’s position within their top 50 list.
* The AA Restaurant Guide 2020 all 4 and 5 Rosette restaurants are mapped.
*The Michelin Guide 2020 all GB 2 and 3 Star restaurants are mapped.
Further points of note are as follows:
*The numbering of the labels is significant as it reflects the fine dining guide ranking – an FDG score derived from a specific formula applied to the three guides marks. The highest is 53 marks out of a maximum possible 58. 6 Points per Michelin Star, 3 Points per GFG Mark out of Ten and 2 Points per AA Rosette.
*There are many overlaps with these three guide mark

[Britain’s Top Restaurants]
The embedded map is below, the recommendation is to click on the expand box in the top right corner to take you into google maps where you may manipulate the map more easily…